Find the answers to our most frequently asked JLB Track questions below. If you require any further information or would like to chat personally with our dedicated JLB Track sales and support team please contact track@jlb.com.au.
What is JLB Track?
JLB Track is a Quality, Safety and Environmental management software system that helps ensure you are compliant with your ISO certification standards. The software has been developed by experienced consultants to be an easy to use and efficient method to manage your compliance needs.
How can Track help my business?
- Holistic Approach – Simple yet comprehensive maintenance of your Quality, Safety or Environmental system while improving management performance within your organisation.
- Reduced Paperwork – Move away from messy excel spreadsheets and word documents - JLB Track is a web-based system and is a one-stop-shop for ISO Compliance.
- Easy to use – Designed with the end user in mind, JLB Track promotes efficiency and accessibility allowing staff at all level’s easy navigation, with minimal training required.
- Workflow automation – Automated emails and coded notifications for NCRs, CARs, Business Improvement Plans, Accident/Incidents, internal audit/management review dates and more.
- Designed by the best – JLB Track has been developed by experienced consultants that have played a key part in developing the Australian compliance/certification industry.
What are the functions of JLB Track?
JLB Track is organised into different modules to make it clear and simple to use. Our full module list includes: Documentation, Improvements, Safety and Environment, Quality House Watch, Employees, Checklists and Reports. See our in-depth explanations below.
See other Frequently Asked Questions
JLB Track Monthly Webinar
We run a monthly webinar at 10am (ACDT) the first Wednesday of each month via MS Teams, where one of our JLB Track Specialist provides a overview of the system and users can ask any questions. To join simply follow the link below:
What is the Documentation Module?
Our documentation module houses our documentation register which allows for in depth document control through the registered approval and review of all items. Items can be assigned ownership and responsibility and reminders will be sent when they require review. Each documented item will be assigned a specific reference, type and status so they are clearly categorised and easy to find. Our search functions and quick links to the document location allow for instant access to the latest version of all documents, cutting down unnecessary searching and paperwork and ensuring all staff are using the latest documentation version.
What is in the Improvement Module?
Our improvement module contains the following sub modules:
- Nonconformance – detailed nonconformance reporting that includes the option to sort by origin, department and allocate responsibility to employees within the organisation
- Corrective Action – detailed corrective action reporting to identify the root cause of issues, the option to allocate individual tasks with personalised reminders to employees and a verification permission that ensures items cannot be closed without management approval
- Improvement Plan – create and record business improvement plans, allocate ownership of multiple tasks with multiple due dates to different employees within your organisation all under one overarching plan
- Actions – the option to create and assign actions to individuals, set up attendee lists and reminders for system maintenance tasks and meetings
- Design - ensure all design and development interfaces among different functions and groups are defined, assigned, and managed. The Design Module meets the requirements of the Standard to simply ensure there is effective communication and clear assignment of responsibility for design and development activities
- External Provider Evaluation Report - conduct supplier/contractor assessments using scores to evaluate performance based on your own management manual. Automatic creation of nonconformances for underperforming suppliers.
What is in the Safety and Environment Module?
Our Safety and Environment Module includes the following sub modules:
- Incidents – in depth incident reporting with the option to assign a WHS Manager who gets notified every time an incident is created, the option to add a full injury report, investigation plan, rehab plan and more
- Hazards – detailed Hazards/Risks Register with the ability to calculate risk based on your own risk matrix
- Environment – this Module offers a simple and intuitive tool for organisations to identify the different ways they are impacting the environment around them, both negatively and positively; and then monitor the controls and regulatory implications of their environmental impact
- Equipment - monitor all equipment and track maintenance needs, set calibration and service reminders.
Tell me about the Employees Module?
- Employees – in depth employee register with the functionality to add competencies, appraisals and departure actions
- Competency – customise your skills list and assign tailored competency levels to employees. The competency matrix provides a great visual representation of all employee competencies in one place, an added bonus is the due soon and overdue tags!
What can I create in the Checklist Module?
- Audit checklists – an easy paper free way to complete checklists and store them within JLB Track
- Audit Checklist Templates – create an unlimited number of checklist templates for different activities for users to pull through and complete
What data can I view through the Reports Module?
Our reports module offers a variety of different reports from breakdowns by origin or owner also in addition to detailed CSV exports for the majority of modules.
What is Quality House Watch?
Our QHW module caters for all your ISO compliance needs! This module ensures all SDS and compliance documents are monitored and that you are notified of any changes. This makes sure you are always up to date and therefore compliant with different legislation, standards and codes of practice. Your dedicated Quality Manager will get a notification when a change is recorded in addition to 6 monthly emails detailing all items under ‘watch’.
How do I customise JLB Track for my business?
JLB Track can be customised in a multitude of ways to suit your organisation. The modules can be switched on or off dependent on what the organisation as a whole or users within individual roles want to see. You can edit, add to, delete and reorganise options within dropdown boxes, for example document types and NCR origins. The risk matrix and EPE scoring guidelines can be created to match your organisations management manual. All records will also be printed with your own logo!
What is the difference between an NCR and CAR?
A Nonconformance (NCR) occurs when there is a variation from the specification or requirements. Whilst often incorrect it is not considered a major problem or risk that will substantially impact the business. While all nonconformances are normally addressed or fixed, often immediately, not all need to be investigated to find their root cause.
Examples of Nonconformances (NCR):
- Operational problems
- Customer complaints
- Compliments
- Good ideas & suggestions
- Internal & External Audit NCRs.
A Corrective Action Request (CAR) should consider the action that will be taken to eliminate the root cause of a detected nonconformity or other major variation from specifications or requirements. The CAR should investigate the underlying cause and consider a solution and then implement the corrective strategy. CARs often stem from recurrent NCRs or serious issues.
How do I set up JLB Track?
Our dedicated Track team will set up your account with your guidance. We can tailor the system to suit your organisation by customising the different modules and field drop down options.
Do you offer training for JLB Track users? Will we have after-training support?
When you join the JLB Track family you will be given a one-on-one training session with detailed information on the functionality and useability of the system. Our dedicated JLB Track team are also always on hand to answer any queries you have. We can be reached by phone or email at track@jlb.com.au . We offer a weekly JLB Track Q&A at 10am (ACST) every Wednesday via Zoom for all our clients to join and ask any burning Track questions they may have.
What about systems updates?
We work very closely with our web developers to ensure JLB Track is functioning at optimum level and often deploy updates and improvements. These updates are all included in your monthly subscription.
Which web browsers are supported by JLB Track?
We recommend using Google Chrome.
Do I need to install additional software in order to run JLB Track?
No. JLB Track is entirely web based – all that is required is an appropriate device with a web browser and an internet connection.
How secure is my data?
Data is protected via a software-based tenancy system that interacts with a central database. All queries to the database restrict access of data to only return data that is within the user’s current tenancy, thereby locking out all unauthorized access in accordance with best practice data security.
JLB Track security meets the requirements for clients’ certification to ISO 27001 (Requirements for information security management systems). Moreover, JLB Track meets all Australian Commonwealth and State Government Departments’ security requirements, including the Department of Defence.
Data managed by JLB Track is hosted in the Cloud in Sydney, Australia, by Amazon Web Services Australia Pty Ltd (AWS).
AWS is compliant to the Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP). IRAP compliance enables customers to validate that appropriate controls are in place and determine the appropriate responsibility model for addressing the requirements of the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM) produced by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD). Refer to the AWS website, https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/irap/, for AWS terms and conditions.
AWS is also certified ISO 27001 for its information security management system.
How many users can I have?
The number of users will be determined by your subscription package; however JLB Track allows for an infinite number of users.
What happens if an employee leaves?
You can easily suspend users to disable their JLB Track access while retaining all the records they have created or edited.
How do you control who sees which modules?
The modules a user can access on JLB Track depends on the permissions they have been assigned. When a user is created they will be assigned a ‘role’ within the system and this ‘role’ will have varying levels of permission dependent on your preferences, you can choose who you want to be able to create, edit or even delete items.
We start all our clients off with 6 default roles which can then be customised. These roles are Administrators, Manager, Staff, Document Controller, Human Resources and Training Manager. If your organisation requires other roles, we will happily accommodate this.
How will I be billed?
Our preferred method of payment is by direct debit however our dedicated Accounts team are happy to discuss other options to suit your organisation.